Hemen zaude

The MONTCLIMA project will be presented as a proposal in the next SUDOE call

  • 27 Jun


On Tuesday, June 26, the first preparation meeting of the MONTCLIMA project  took place in Derio (Vizcaya). This project will be presented to the first phase of the third call of the SUDOE programme next September.

MONTCLIMA, which is part of the fight against climate change priority axis, has as its mission both to improve the effectiveness climate change  risk prevention and risk management.

The aim of this project led by the Pyrenees Working Community (CTP) is to develop the best tools and replicate good practices for climate change adaptation in the mountains of the SUDOE territories mainly through capitalization actions.

During the meeting, the partnership of the  project named NEIKER, FORESPIR, CREAF, CEREMA, CESEFOR-INCA, CIMO, MUNICIPALITIES OF THE LEIRIA REGION, CENMA-IEA and CTP defined the forthcoming steps for the formalization of the proposal.




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