Hemen zaude

The OPCC2 organized a workshop on agropastoralism and climate change in Andorra

  • 30 May

On May 29, 2018 the OPCC organized jointly with the Government of Andorra the workshop "Climate change: new opportunities for agriculture?" within the OPCC2 project.

The Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability of the Government of Andorra, Silvia Calvó, launched the workshop highlighting the observed effects of climate change impacts, including changes in temperature and precipitation and more frequent extreme weather events. The Minister also emphasized that climate change impacts affects different sectors and fields, and agriculture and livestock are particularly vulnerable to its effects.

During the workshop, the Coordinators of the OPCC presented the progress of the chapter on agriculture and agropastoralism of the  climate change in the Pyrenees report, which will be published shortly. During the day also the director of the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Andorra Landry Riba  took the floor and spoke about climate change adaptation in the agricultural and livestock sector in Andorra.

The Center for Snow and Mountain Studies focused the speech in the effects of climate changes on pastures in Andorra. The Agricultural and Livestock Association of Andorra presented its annual sectoral report in the context of the energy transition viewpoint, and finally a roundtable on experiences of diversification of the agricultural sector in high mountain environments took place, with the participation of IRTA and COPYC.

All presentations can be downloaded here.



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