Hemen zaude

We welcome 2021 with a summary of Pyrenean Thursdays

  • 05 Jan

From the OPCC we would like to welcome 2021 by highlighting the cycle of web seminars on Pyrenean Thursdays (#JUEVESPIRENAICOS). Through six thematic webinars led by the thematic experts of the OPCC's network of scientists, we were able to delve deeper into the effects of climate change in this particularly vulnerable bioregion. Specifically, this cycle focused on improving the dissemination of the results of the OPCC associated projects, as well as presenting the progress made in the OPCC ADAPYR project. On the other hand, and in a transversal way, efforts were focused on creating a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange between the OPCC and the actors of the territory (socioeconomic sectors, academic community, technical services of the administrations and citizens).

The six sessions were open to all audiences. In total, more than 400 people actively joined us on Thursdays in October and November at 4pm to share and find out first-hand how the future climate is projected for the Pyrenees, how global warming is affecting the ecosystems of our summits and water resources, or how the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy is progressing, among many other initiatives.

On Thursday 1st October, the CLIMPY webinar allowed us to immerse ourselves in the climate of the Pyrenees, both in its most recent evolution and in the climate projections developed within the scope of this project. Thanks to this seminar, the trends of the main climate indicators, obtained from a homogeneous cross-border database, were shared.

Thursday 8 October was devoted to water resources in the Pyrenees through the PIRAGUA seminar. During this comprehensive session, those responsible for the project's many actions presented the first results on the characterization of the surface and underground water resources of the mountain range, and illustrated the interesting adaptation case studies in which the main water agencies from both sides of the border and Andorra are participating. 

The afternoon of Thursday 15th October was dedicated to the REPLIM project on peatlands and high mountain lakes; ecosystems that are particularly sensitive to the effects of climate and global change. Through this webinar, we learned about the importance of keeping observation networks alive to raise awareness and obtain data to identify trends. 

On Thursday 22 October we learned in detail the main results of the CANOPEE project, about the impact of climate change on the Pyrenean forests. Thanks to this seminar, which achieved a clear record of participation, we were able to study in depth the cross-border mechanisms and instruments for monitoring and diagnosing the impact of climate change on the main forest species in the Pyrenees. .

On Thursday 5 November, the FLORAPYR seminar gave us all the details on the red list of endangered flora species, on the singularities of the new Pyrenean floral atlas, the devices for monitoring snowfield flora. In addition, the project leaders invited those present to participate as volunteers in the FLORAPYR Phénoclim-Pyrenees phenological monitoring network.

The series of events culminated in a closing seminar on Thursday 12 November where the progress of the OPCC ADAPYR project were presented, namely the definition of indicators for monitoring climate change, guidelines for the integration of adaptation in various key sectors, the mobilisation of citizens and the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy.  In addition, those responsible for the different key actions launched a clear call to action inviting participants to join the OPCC citizen science networks, to contact the OPCC to co-define new climate change indicators and to participate in the process of co-creating the future Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy. 

Download here the document of conclusions of this webinar.

The OPCC is grateful for the interest shown by the more than 400 people who have been with us every Thursday in the Pyrenees.

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