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The Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory presented the impacts of climate change on the agriculture sectors of France and Spain during the event Les Pyrénéennes

  • 17 Oct

Jaca, September 17th, 2018. In the framework of the event Les Pyrénéennes, the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) organized last September 14th in Saint-Gaudens a workshop about climate change impacts on agropastoralism and a round table about the possibilities of adapting to these impacts. This session is part of the implementation of the OPCC2 project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG-POCTEFA program.

The event Les Pyrénéennes, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015, takes place every three years. Organized by the Communauté de Communes Coeur et Coteaux du Comminges in collaboration with the Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne, it brings together a large number of participants, such as the Chamber of Agriculture, organizations working for the preservation of indigenous breeds or training institutes, among others. All of them make this event, the event of the agriculture sectors of the chain of the Pyrenees and the meeting between the agricultural world and the public.

The agriculture sector is one of the most important sectors of the Pyrenean territory that can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse emissions, the preservation of biodiversity, the beauty and authenticity of mountain landscapes as well as cultural identity among other contributions to society.

However, the agriculture sector has to face enormous difficulties of different types and is increasingly faced with the impacts of climate change: the increase in average temperature, extreme weather events such as heat waves, torrential rains, among others. The phenological changes that affect both the growing cycles (sowing, flowering, harvests ...) and the calendar of grazing activities are noticeable.

The Observatory presented the conclusions of its last report entitled "Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Pyrenees" about the impacts of climate change in the Pyrenees especially for the mountain agriculture and livestock sectors.

In addition, a round table was held with professionals from the agriculture sector of different regions of the Pyrenees. This round table explored the possibility of adapting to climate change considering solutions in synergy with the mitigation of climate change.

Participants of the round table: Pierre PUJOS, Sereal farmer in the Gers, President of Arbre & Paysage 32 and President of GIEE AGRIVALEUR, Tristan DELPORTE, Shepherd, Joel SQUIZZATO, Sheep farmer in the Aude, President of the cooperative Terre Ovine and Vice-president of GIEE AGRIVALEUR, Luce RAMEIL, Deputy Director of PNR Pyrénées Ariégeoises, Vincent LABART, Director of the agricultural institute and partner of the PASTUM project (POCTEFA), Alain CANET, Director of AP32 and expert of the national movement Pour une Agriculture du Vivant and Fabienne GILOT, Director of the COPYC.

The main mission of the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory is to provide tools to better define adaptation policies, in order to increase the resilience of CTP territory to the negative impacts of climate change.

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