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Launch of the new LIFE project for a climate-resilient mountain area

  • 04 Mar

Thirty people took part on Wednesday 24 February in the launch meeting of the new LIFE Technical Assistance project led by the Pyrenees Working Community, through the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory: "LIFE TA-CC PIRINEES, towards a more climate-resilient Pyrenean mountain area". 
Through the LIFE programme, the CTP has received funding from the European Union for the preparation of a larger project in the future, an Integrated LIFE. Its aim is to prepare the implementation plan for the future Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy, EPCC. 
This work will capitalise on the results of previous OPCC projects, such as POCTEFA ADAPYR, thus allowing to articulate a common response to the impacts caused by climate change in the cross-border territory of the Pyrenees. This strategy is a unique opportunity to move from theory to practice and to translate the knowledge acquired over a decade into concrete and consensual measures. 
The project launching session was attended by the climate change focal points of the OPCC Technical Committee, as well as the members of the OPCC Advisory Council.  Rafael Giménez Capdevila, responsible for the Programme of Support to the Presidency of the CTP 2019-2021, welcomed all the participants.
The first intervention, by José Ramón Picatoste, from the Spanish Climate Change Office, outlined the European vision of cross-border climate change strategies and explained the main lines of the recently approved European Adaptation Strategy. 
Delphine Mercadier-Moure, Commissioner of the Commissariat du Massif des Pyrénées, then spoke, reviewing the strategic outline of her institution and underlining the cross-cutting nature of climate change, as well as her concern for the related challenges in the Pyrenees: summer pastures, pastoralism, forests and, above all, water availability. 
Finally, Igor Idaleta, from Zabala Consulting, gave the participants an overview of the integrated projects of the LIFE Programme, towards which this new LIFE TA-CC PIRINEES is heading. He highlighted the potential of the CTP, through the OPCC, to obtain this LIFE funding through its integrated projects, given the transboundary nature of the territory, with clearly identified vulnerabilities and robust governance. 
In the coming months the OPCC will organise workshops for active and deliberative participation, both sectoral and territorial. All information on these actions will be made public on this website. 



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22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España

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