Project goals
The main aim of the OPCC SOLPYR project is to promote the protection and conservation of Pyrenean soils, as well as their resilience to climate change, by defining good practices, analysing the main vulnerabilities and raising awareness among the population and people who visit the mountains in order to conserve this fragile resource. To achieve this, it will focus on various areas of action:
- Create a unified database on soils of the Pyrenean territory: this would facilitate decision-making and sustainable management as well as the improvement of organic carbon content and sequestration capacity, essential for understanding the impacts of global climate change in the Pyrenees. The OPCC will contribute its experience in the homogenisation and harmonisation of data and indicators (A3 - Soil information). This information will be capitalised on the OPCC Geoportal, an open and accessible tool.
- Valorise knowledge on soils using mountain trails and natural heritage within the development of sustainable tourism.
- To disseminate and involve people from the primary sector (agriculture, forestry, livestock, ...) as well as administrations or management organisations related to the subject in order to make them aware of the importance of its protection and conservation as a natural resource, as well as the necessary maintenance of soil health.
- Raise awareness among the population and users of the risk of soil degradation, particularly in terms of erosion of exposed soils on mountain trails, thanks to future edaphological trails.
- Consolidate the collaborative action of the Pyrenean Soil Alliance (AsPir) in the medium and long term, by means of a future cooperation instrument useful for harmonising policies and actions in relation to Pyrenean soils. A common dissemination strategy, aimed at increasing knowledge of soils and their fragility, as well as enriching description and classification methodologies, is the first step towards their protection and the promotion of measures to adapt to, respond to and mitigate Climate Change. The OPCC will lead the A6 - Pyrenean Soil Governance, and work to ensure the transfer of knowledge and the alignment of activities to the Action Plan 2030 of the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy (EPICC) of the CTP-OPCC.
The Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) as lead partner;
The Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory of the Pyrenean Working Community (CTP-OPCC);
The Public University of Navarre (UPNA);
The Department of Rural Development and the Environment of Pamplona (DRYMA);
The University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, International Relations Department - European and International Projects Pole (UT3);
The Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - State Agency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (IPE-CSIC);
The Marcel Chevalier Private Foundation (FMC);
NEIKER - Basque Institute of Agrarian Research and Development, S.A. (NEIKER).
As well as two other associated partner bodies: the Association Française pour l'Étude du Sol (AFES) and the Sociedad Española de Ciencias del Sol (SECS).
The SOLPYR project (EFA045/01) has been co-financed 65% by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.
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