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The LIFE-SIP PYRENEES 4 CLIMA project meets with the LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC project to exchange on the keys of a good coordination of integrated projects.

  • 14 Sep

The coordination teams of the integrated European projects LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC and LIFE-SIP PYRENEES 4 CLIMA met for the first time last Tuesday 5th September 2023 in a virtual way. This was the first meeting between the two projects, which share objectives in the field of climate change.The meeting was attended by Juan Terrádez, from the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC), Joël Dozzi, from the Environmental Management of Navarra (GAN-NIK), Itziar Almarcégui, Miguel Ángel González Moreno and Isaías Bautista from the Government of Navarra.

Objective of the meeting

The aim of the meeting was to make initial contact between the two projects. On the one hand, the success factors of LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC were explored, as a starting point to guide key aspects in communication, participation and management of integrated projects. On the other hand, the staff of both projects arranged a second specific interview for the coordination and search for synergies between projects: a requirement of all LIFE SIPs, especially relevant in the case of the PYENEES4CLIMATE project, which aims to complement the adaptation strategies of the territories, specifically in the cross-border mountain area.

The Pyrenean project

The PYRENEES4CLIMATE project is part of the European LIFE programme in the category of strategic integrated projects (SIP). It aims to support the monitoring, development and implementation of the EPiCC, the first cross-border Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy covering all key sectors in the Pyrenees.  The project will be fundamental for the implementation of the first Operational Plan (OP) of the EPiCC. With a total budget of almost 20 million euros and 47 partners, this project defines the roadmap for climate action in the cross-border Pyrenean territory until 2030.

The Navarre project

LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC is the first integrated European project on adaptation to climate change in the European Union. The aim is to increase resilience to climate change in the region of Navarra through intersectorality and long-term sustainability, participation and networking, contributing to the implementation of all the actions included in the Roadmap to Combat Climate Change in Navarra (HCCN-KLINa).

The project, which began in 2017 and will run until 2025, has a budget of more than 15.5 million euros with actions in areas such as monitoring, local environment, water, forests, agriculture and livestock, health, and infrastructures and territorial planning, as well as in transversal and horizontal actions. The consortium is formed by four public companies; NASUVINSA, NILSA, INTIA and GAN-NIK, the Public University of Navarra and two departments of the Government of Navarra; Health through the ISPLN, and Rural Development and Environment, from where it is also led by the Circular Economy and Climate Change Service.


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