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The OPCC launches public consultation after the participatory process of the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy

  • 02 Nov

After the participatory process that has involved several workshops, the return workshop was held on October 6, 2021, the last stage of this phase of workshops for the drafting of the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy (EPiCC).


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NAVARREFA: A forum to identify and exchange opportunities for cross-border cooperation in Pyrenean territory

  • 30 Oct

The final POCTEFA Navarrefa event 'Opportunities for cross-border cooperation' brought together representatives of the 70 Interreg POCTEFA projects that have been carried out in Navarre between 2014 and 2020 on 28 and 29 October 2021 at the Baluarte Conference Centre-Auditorium of Navarre.

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The IPCC publishes its new report at a critical time for heat waves, floods, droughts and fires in Europe and the world.

  • 13 Aug

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report, entitled "Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis", on 9 August. This report is the contribution of Working Group I to the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report and comes after a lengthy remote approval session in which chapter coordinators underwent a final review of the document prior to publication. 

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MONTCLIMA: Seminar on management strategies and prevention of the impacts of drought in the mountains of the SUDOE area

  • 10 Aug

On Thursday 30 September in Barcelona, the MONTCLIMA project will organise a seminar on management strategies and prevention of drought impacts on mountain forests in the SUDOE area.

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Phusicos field visit to Artouste & Santa Elena sites

  • 01 Jul

Nature-based solutions are being implemented in two places in the French-Spanish border in the framework of the Phusicos project: Artouste & Santa Elena.

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What are nature-based measures? Learn more about this kind of solutions with the PHUSICOS Project

  • 03 Jun

Resilience, vulnerability, adaptation are some of the terms that were not much talked about until a decade ago, and which in recent years have emerged as key words in European environmental and climate change fora.

Similarly, for a couple of years now, a term that has been frequently repeated among people working in the environmental sector: nature-based measures (Nbs).

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