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Presentation and News about MONTCLIMA Project

  • 21 May

In this new article we present and give news of the latest developments in the MONTCLIMA project, in which OPCC-CTP is acting as the main beneficiary partner.

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Strong Temperature Increase in the Pyrenees - CLIMPY OPCC

  • 15 May

The temperature values observed in the Pyrenees area over the last four years (2016-2019) confirm both the clear trend towards a rise in temperature recorded over the last 60 years and the future scenarios, with a thermal increase that is perhaps more in line with the scenarios of a greater increase than with those of a more moderate temperature increase (although to be sure

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First OPCC ADAPYR Coordination Committee

  • 08 May

On the 20th March 2020, took place the first meeting, in a virtual format in this case, of the partners Coordination Committee that marks the beginning of the OPCC ADAPYR Project. Despite the organisation problems caused by the alarm state of Covid-19 in Europe, an important number of persons (20) representing the partners entities have participated.

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  • 20 Jan

 The OPCC ADAPYR project has been programmed within the framework of the third call for projects of the Interreg V-A programme for territorial cooperation between Spain, France and Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020). It is the natural evolution of the OPCC2 project, which gives continuity to the successful results of the latter.

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COP25 under the Chilean presidency in Madrid

  • 13 Dec

The 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP25, is the 25th United Nations Climate Change conference.

This 25th edition was held from December 2nd until December 13th in Madrid, Spain under the presidency of the Chilean government.

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