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Hello everyone and welcome to the second OPCC newsletter of 2020.

A lot has happened since our last newsletter. Little by little, life is reviving again in our offices and the OPCC team is finally back together to organize many events and advance their projects.

First of all, the OPCC organized the Webinar "ADAPYR responds" to present the OPCC ADAPYR project. More than 100 people attended this webinar where 5 experts partners of the project exposed the main consequences of climate change in the Pyrenees, shared the objectives of the ADAPYR project to meet the adaptation needs of the territory and answered the questions of the participants. If you missed our Webinar, you can watch it on our Youtube channel or consult its conclusion document.

The MONTCLIMA project is also making progress. Recently, we have launched a call for good practices to identify interesting initiatives in the fight against natural risks in the SUDOE area (floods, droughts, fires and soil erosion) as well as to assess the interactions between climate change and the evolution of these risks. If you wish to participate in this call, you can fill in the questionnaire here!

Furthermore, the new measurements of the Ossoue glacier carried out by the Moraine Association have been published. This year the snow cover is above the average of the last 19 years although this does not prevent the process of degradation of this glacier from advancing inexorably at an increasing rate .

The Covid19 has shaken up all the events planned for this year and the PHUSICOS summer university has been no exception. Luckily new dates have been scheduled for this event to take place.

There are already new events scheduled for the beginning of the school year!

  • From September 30 to October 2 2020, the seminar to launch the OPCC ADAPYR project will take place in Bagnères-de-Bigorre.
  • A seminar of the SUDOE MONTCLIMA project in Soria on natural risks and climate change in mountain areas is planned for 20-21 October 2020.
  • Finally, in Annecy, the Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Haute-Savoie is organising a seminar on the management of natural mountain areas in the context of global warming from 12 to 13 November 2020, within the framework of the LIFE Natur'Adapt project.

We wish you a good reading and a happy summer!

More than 100 people participate in the " ADAPYR RESPONDE " Webinar

  • 15 Jul

On Thursday 9 July, the Pyrenean Observatory for Climate Change (OPCC) organized a webinar to present its new project OPCC ADAPYR.

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The lauching seminar of the new project OPCC ADAPYR will take place in Bagnères-de-Bigorre in France (Occitania) with four main objectives:

To present the general lines and objectives of the new project.
To deepen the themes within the OPCC.
To make visible the initiatives of citizen mobilization.
To promote participation for actions that require special collaboration of the Nexo officers.

MONTCLIMA Natural Risks and Climate Change in Mountain areas

The transnational seminar focuses on defining the link between the risks of drought, floods, erosion and forest fires in the mountains of the SUDOE and the impact of climate change on these four risks. The progress of the MONTCLIMA project, which aims to improve governance and management of natural risks through the transnational cooperation and the development of a common risk management and prevention strategy. 






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Avenida Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, 8
22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España

+34 974 36 31 00
