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The OPCC will be present in Bonn with UN Mountain Partnership countries to promote expert dialogue on mountains and climate change

  • 29 May
As part of the five years of action for the development of mountain regions 2023-2027 and following the efforts of many member governments of the Mountain Partnership, these areas were included in the first global stocktaking document of the UNFCCC COP 28. The latter requests the Chair of the SBSTA (Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice of the UNFCCC) to organise an expert dialogue on mountains and climate change at the 60th session of the SBSTA, to be held on 5 June 2024 in Bonn (Germany). 
Organised by the Government of Andorra and in collaboration with the Government of Kyrgyzstan, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the session will also delve into recommendations for scaling up climate change adaptation measures, including financing, to accelerate transformation and political momentum towards inclusive, resilient and sustainable mountain development. The OPCC will represent the Pyrenees mountain range and all initiatives being implemented in the bioregion. 

Inclusion of mountains in climate negotiations

Mountain ecosystems play a crucial role in climate regulation, water management and biodiversity preservation. They are particularly vulnerable to climate change, with significant impacts on local communities and downstream ecosystems. Recognition of the importance of mountains in the context of climate change has been reinforced by the efforts of the Mountain Partnership and other stakeholders. At COP 28, mountains were specifically mentioned in the Global Assessment, highlighting the need to protect, conserve and restore these ecosystems, and noting the economic, social and environmental benefits this could offer. It further notes that nature-based solutions in mountain regions can reduce a range of climate change-related risks and provide multiple co-benefits.

Organising the Mountain Forum (Mobilising Mountain Partnership countries for addressing climate change)

The forum will focus on mountains and climate change. This expert dialogue is an important initiative to:
  • Strengthen political alliances for mountains.
  • Integrate mountain concerns into international frameworks.
  • Promote ecosystem-based adaptation measures.
The main objectives of this forum include:  
  • Sharing perspectives to strengthen political support at COP 29 in Azerbaijan, and discussing the way forward and the messages to be conveyed.
  • Transforming the results of the dialogue into concrete actions and projects.
  • Explore innovative financing mechanisms for mountains.
  • Discuss cross-border and regional initiatives and key lessons for further cooperation.


The coordinator of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC), Eva Garcia Balaguer, will be present in Bonn to share the OPCC's experience in developing climate change adaptation instruments in the region and strategies and tools for soil protection policies, emphasising the importance of nature-based solutions to climate risks. The aim of the forum is to create a framework for permanent dialogue between local and regional actors and initiatives, and to strengthen mountain-specific climate action. 


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Huesca - España

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