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The international colloquium PYRADAPT 2017 held in Biarritz brought together more than 200 experts on climate change, also within the COP23 framework

  • 12 Dec

The international colloquium PYRADAPT 2017 in Biarritz on November 7 and 8 brought together experts on climate change in mountain areas representing the most important research centers in the regions of the Working Community of the Pyrenees.

The Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory of the Consortium of the Working Community of the Pyrenees positions itself as the reference cross-border initiative for cooperation on climate change in the Pyrenees. During the colloquium, some of the actions that are being implemented by the Observatory were presented, among these, a new report on impacts and adaption in the Pyrenees the launching of the new online information portal.

Climate change is already a fact in the Pyrenees, where an increase in average temperatures of 0.21ºC per decade since the 1960s has been observed.

The scientific communications presented during the colloquium highlighted clear evidences of climate change impacts on natural systems like for example the disappearance of 50% of the Pyrenees glaciers in the last 40 years,  the delay of around 25 days in the migration dates of migratory birds, and changes in the forest species distribution like the fir tree.

Concerning climate change impacts on socioeconomic sectors of the Pyrenees, one of the major topics treated during the colloquium has been climate projections concerning future snow cover and the consequent effects on economic viability of ski resorts in the Pyrenees. Some studies about the influence of climate change on natural risks such as floods and landslides have also been presented, or the impacts and vulnerabilities of high mountain regions pastoral ecosystems.

Representatives from the European Environment Agency and other European mountain regions such as the Alps and the Carpathians have also participated in the 2nd International colloquium  PYRADAPT 2017.

The PYRADAPT 2017 colloquium was held in the framework of the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that will take place from the 6 to the 17 of November, in Bonn, under the Presidency of the Fiji islands.

Watch here the best moments of the colloquium:









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