In recent years, efforts to assess and mitigate the effects of climate change (CC) in the Pyrenees have been considerable, especially in areas such as water resources, snow, forests and flora. However, there is still a significant deficit in the monitoring and assessment of fauna, one of the most vulnerable components of the Pyrenean ecosystem.
In order to fill this gap, the INBIOPYR project, co-financed through the POCTEFA program, takes a decisive step forward by building on the extensive wildlife database collected in the previous project, FAUNAPYR, co-financed by POCTEFA. This platform, which has allowed for the first time the visualization and joint consultation of the fauna records of the Pyrenean massif, will be the basis for generating key indicators that relate changes in the distribution of species to climate change.
In addition to the creation of these indicators, INBIOPYR has a strong educational and collaborative component. The project will implement a series of initiatives to improve the collection of fauna data in the region, including the creation of a transboundary guide to ensure standardization in the long-term monitoring of species and populations throughout the Pyrenees bioregion. This guide will facilitate multi-taxonomic monitoring and ensure data quality over time. During the first half of 2025, the first project workshop will be held to lay the methodological foundations of this guide.
The BIOINPYR project partner panel is composed of a diverse set of institutions that bring a valuable combination of experience and expertise in key areas such as biodiversity database management, species monitoring, and climate change impact assessment. Through this collaboration, the aim is to ensure that recommendations derived from data analysis are passed on to the relevant authorities, thereby promoting more effective conservation policies and measures.
With the implementation of INBIOPYR, the Pyrenees will take a further step towards the conservation of its rich biodiversity, facing the challenges of climate change with more precise and effective tools for its long-term protection.
Avenida Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, 8
22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España
+34 974 36 31 00