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The OPCC attends the Kick off meeting of the PHUSICOS project in Oslo

  • 14 Jun

The CTP, through the OPCC area, has become a beneficiary partner of the PHUSICOS project, submitted to the European H2020. The OPCC attended the Kick off meeting of the PHUSICOS project in Oslo.

The overarching objective of PHUSICOS – 'According to nature' is to demonstrate that nature-based and nature- inspired solutions for reducing the impact of extreme weather events in rural mountain landscapes, are technically viable, socially acceptable, cost-effective and implementable at the regional scale. PHUSICOS will demonstrate that the benefits of NBSs are inclusive by increasing the ecological, social and economic resilience of local communities. Nature-based and nature-inspired solutions are more than green and blue infrastructure. These solutions also include sustainable management and responsible use of land, water and natural resources.




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