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The Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) and its current Presidency, the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, are pleased to invite you to the 4rd International Colloquium on Climate Change in Mountain Areas, which will take place on 19 and 20 May 2022 at the Bilbao Palace (Euskalduna).

The aim of this colloquium is to present and transfer the results of the OPCC ADAPYR project and the Axis 2 projects of the INTERREG POCTEFA 14-20 programme ACCLIMAFOR, FLORAPYR Avance and ADNPyr. Among the main results, the following will be presented: the EPiCC, the first climate strategy of the Pyrenees; the sectoral guidelines for adaptation; the latest developments in observation and climate through the Pyrenees climate bulletin; advances in citizen science and environmental education. In addition, there will be a session dedicated to the valorisation of good adaptation practices in the Pyrenees and a more institutional block which  including representatives of European institutions, states and regions in the field of climate change and mountain areas.

And above all: Don't miss the premiere of the documentary "The passage of time"! A different vision to understand the recent evolution of the Pyrenean glaciers and the associated changes.

The 4th International Colloquium on Climate Change in Mountain Areas aims to follow in the wake of successful events initiated with the 1st International Colloquium on Climate Change in Mountain Areas that took place in Pamplona in November 2013, the 2nd International PYRADAPT Colloquium 2017 that took place in Biarritz, and the 3rd International PYRADAPT Colloquium 2019 in Jaca.

Although registration is free of charge, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance using this registration form.

The conclusions of the Colloquium will be published on the OPCC website and will include the report on the results of the OPCC ADAPYR project and a synthesis document on the conference papers.


Provisional programme


When and where?

The event will take place on 19 and 20 May 2022 at the Bilbao Conference Centre (Euskalduna).



Registration is free but compulsory by filling in the following form:


More information






To access


Avenida Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, 8
22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España

+34 974 36 31 00
