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Conclusions of OPCC 2019 Colloquium on Climate Change in Mountain Areas

  • 15 Nov

On the 22 and 23 October, the OPCC had a colloquium at the Congress Centre at Jaca. In total, there were more than 100 speakers, expert in climate change in mountain areas, and more than 200 people attended.

The OPCC presented its second report which illustrates the final results of the OPCC 2 and its associated projects, namely the REPLIM projects on lakes and peatlands, CLIMPY on climate change in the Pyrenees, CANOPEE on Pyrenean forests, FLORAPYR on Pyrenean flora, and PIRAGUA on the evolution of the hydrological cycle in the Pyrenees. You can download the report here.

Antonio Pascual, Secretary General of the Working Community of the Pyrenees, stressed the importance of the research and the work of the OPCC, which is necessary to establish the climate policies of the CTP territories, based on scientific evidence.

It was also an opportunity to discuss the role of citizen science initiatives in climate science. These have developed largely thanks to new technologies.  Through them, volunteers provide data to the scientific community, which is crucial to corroborate the trends and contrasting evidence of climate change. 

We encourage you to participate in the FLORAPYR PHENOCLIM and REPLIM citizen science networks, which you can reach via our website.

Finally, during the session on international cooperation in mountain areas and climate change, speakers stressed the importance of international cooperation between research networks and other entities to promote European mountain areas, and to send a stronger and more consensual message on the particular vulnerability of our mountains to the impacts of climate change.

Don't miss the "best of" videos of the conference, and check out the photos of the event on our Facebook account!


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Avenida Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, 8
22.700 - Jaca
Huesca - España

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